Friday, July 31st is the SysAdmin Appreciation Day and at Stratio we really want to go all out and celebrate it. During the entire day we will be giving sysadmin related talks and workshops.

Here is the list of what you’ll be able to enjoy:

  • Set-up your private cloud with Owncloud. Ernesto Valero.
  • Virtualization Systems: vMware. Ernesto Valero.
  • Basic Linux. Ernesto Alonso.
  • GVM Tool, the Groovy enVironment Manager. Fátima Casaú.
  • Graphite and friends. Abel Rincón.
  • Introduction to Opscode Chef. Javier Cortejoso.
  • Selinux. Ernesto Valero.
  • Vagrant. Luis Antonio Diaz.
  • Continuous Delivery Implantation Process. Nacho Herranz and Juan Maria Fiz.
  • Visit the CDP. Javier Agüero.
  • Puppet. Sebastian Álvarez.
  • Practical Introduction to Docker. Rafael Aranz.
  • Microservices and Netflix OSS. Miguel Garrido.
  • Ansible. Jose Manuel Ferrer.
  • Technology for non Technologists. Paco Madrid.
  • ElasticSearch. José Manuel Ferrer and Alejandro Marques.
  • Hacking Challenges. Ernesto Alonso, Sebastian Alvarez and Ernesto Valero.

We’ve  arranged the talks in four of our awesome conference rooms: Apollo 13, Discovery, Pacman and Space Invaders and we’ve shared a calendar with the training schedule, and there you can also find a description of the talks and if you need to take any sort of material for the talks. The hacking challenges are practical workshops that you can do individually or in a group and we’ll send you an email with the preparations you need to make for the event (Be prepared!)

Please RSVP so we can make sure there is room for everybody. We know that by the end of the last talk you’ll be eager to rush off to enjoy the weekend, but DON’T, there’s a surprise at the end! So stay a little bit longer and enjoy it.

Happy SysAdmin Day and thank you for everything!


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