The Cassandra Summit 2014 took place on September 10-12 in San Francisco with more than 2000 attendants. The summit was split into 3 days, with Training sessions on the first and third day and Conference sessions with 6 tracks on the second one. The first thing we noticed after passing through the registration desk was how amazing the organization was.

Smooth registration process, clear track and room directions, clear demarcation of themes: sponsors, tracks, etc. In summary, one of the best organizations in an appropriate venue with huge social network activity.

On the first day, we attended the “Advance training session” about the performance tuning of Cassandra clusters. The material was fairly interesting and we got many insights about how a Cassandra infrastructure can be maintained in real-life deployments. Special thanks to the on-site support team, who facilitated the session progress reducing the number of interruptions.

On the summit day, we noticed a huge increase in the number of people attending showing the amount of interest in Cassandra. Tracks were organized attending to their main topic: real Cassandra uses-cases, Cassandrainternals, projects  C* as the underlying database, business applications, etc.

Stratio not only went to the conference as an attendee, but also in a speaker role. Two talks titled “Stratio Crossdata: An efficient distributed data hub with batch and streaming query capabilities” and “Apache Cassandraat Telefonica CBS” were presented. The first talk given by Álvaro Agea and Daniel Higuero described the capabilities of Stratio Crossdata, a distributed framework that unifies the interaction with batch and streaming sources supporting multiple datastore technologies thanks to its generic architecture and a custom SQL-like language with support for streaming queries. The second talk given by Antonio Alcocer and Óscar Méndez described how Stratio helped Teléfonica introducing big data technologies in the cyber-security area with Cassandra.

In summary, a great event with great people and a lot of exciting ideas being discussed.

Hope to see you soon at the next Cassandra Summit!.


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