Remember issue #1 published in the summer? We are back with the next part in the series, wearing the hat of Pitfall Harry to look at some of the issues we have come across and how these have impacted our day-to-day job. We also include some tips for overcoming them.
What is Stratio? This is a question that we can really only answer now, three years after our foundation by a team of seasoned engineers in 2013. Why has it taken us so long? Because we have been busy pulling together the most transformational and disruptive tool ever to exist.
Nowadays, there are a lot of Big Data query engines available. Some companies struggle to choose which one to use. Benchmarks exist, but results can be contradictory and thus difficult to trust.
This two-article series explains how to design and implement a hybrid recommender system that works just like the ones used by Amazon or Ebay.
Conway’s Game of Life: You could hardly imagine a simpler set of rules to code on your computer and you wouldn’t expect any interesting result at all, but… behold the wonders of its hidden might!
MesosCon Europe was held in Amsterdam from August 31 to September 2 and a small representation of Stratio’s crew was over there.
In this first issue, we will follow how pipelines are being used at Stratio Big Data to achieve full lifecycle traceability, from the development team to a final productive environment.