The Spark Summit 2014 took place earlier this month in San Francisco, and Stratio was there! More than 1.000 attendees have had the opportunity to find out what the news is in the most active open source project in the Hadoop ecosystem, and they were quite a few!

Experts from the leading big data players gave 50+ talks along two days and delighted even the most skeptic techies in the audience. Just after the initial keynote in which Matei Zaharia briefed the promising present and future of Spark, Ion Stoica from Databricks presented their new service “Spark Cloud”. Not long after Cassandra announced their new Cassandra connector for Spark, and without a chance to take a breath Spotify, IBM, Oracle, Yahoo!… took over presenting a whole new world of projects, solutions, and applications.

As a proud silver sponsor of the Spark Summit 2014, Stratio has taken part in this event. Lots of people approached the Stratio’s stand and asked about our “pure Spark” platform, mostly interested in our “crossdata” concept and our “Stratio Streaming” solution. We had the opportunity to talk with old and new friends, and to exchange experiences and knowledge with all of them.


And even more, Stratio was able to collaborate in the organization of the summit giving two talks. David Morales, a solutions architect, and developer at Stratio, explained and showed live our innovative approach to Spark Streaming and CEP (Complex Event Proccesing) in the talk “Stratio Streaming: a new approach to Spark Streaming”, and Francisco J. Gomez, from Telefónica, explained along with Oscar Méndez, CEO at Stratio, how Telefónica already uses Spark in “Spark use case at Telefonica CBS”. Both were a huge success.


Watch our video Spark Summit 2014 – Highlights

We are already looking forward to enjoying the next Spark Summit, even more, when Databricks announced a Spark Summit East 2015. We hope to see you there in New York!.


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